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Результати атестації роботи стипендіатів

Відділення НАН України і Комісія по роботі з науковою молоддю НАН України разом з науковими установами та організаціями НАН України провели у квітні 2024 р. атестацію наукової роботи молодих вчених НАН України-стипендіатів Президента України (стипендіатів НАН України)


Business trip to ESA Сenter

In accordance with the agreement between the European Space Agency and  State Space Agency of Ukraine, during the year2024 an internship of our scientist, M. Lavrenyuk, is organized at the ESA Centre for Earth Observation (European Space Research Institute, ESRIN) located in Frascati (Rome). The duration and details are currently being discussed by the parties.

Report on the target program of NAS of Ukraine

During the years 2021 -2023, the Institute coordinated the implementation of the target program of the NAS of Ukraine "Aerospace Environmental Observations for Sustainable Development and Safety ERA-PLANET UA." 11 institutes belonging to 5 branches of our Academy have been engaged in the performance of the Program. On March 07 the report on this Program was presented and unanimously approved at a meeting of the Scientific Coordination Council of the Section of Physical, Technical and Mathematical Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine. Brief presentation attached.

Certification results

By the decision of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine on 21 of February 2024  the results of the certification of the Institute were approved, which were considered by the Permanent Commission for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Scientific Institutions of the NAS of Ukraine in the direction of physical, technical and mathematical sciences. The Institute is assigned to category B (departments 22, 23 are category A, departments 21 and 26 are category B). such a decision was made contrary to the decision of the Expert Commission of 9 specialists, which unanimously assigned the Institute to category A.

List of Main Results of Basic and Applied Research in 2023

At the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute on December 7, 2023 the list of the most important results of fundamental and applied research obtained by scientists of the Institute during 2023 was discussed and approved. The results obtained in the implementation of budget, competitive topics and international and national grants. The approved list is submitted to the Bureau of the Department of Informatics for publication in the report of the NAS of Ukraine.


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