The Scientific Council of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) has approved the ranking lists of projects participating in the competitions "Science for Human Security and Society" and "Support for Research of Leading and Young Scientists". According to the results of the first competition, 3 projects of the Institute's employees in the list of projects that will receive support from NRFU grants were included:
- 2020.02 / 0015 "Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Global Perturbations of Natural and Man-made Origin in the System Earth-Atmosphere-Ionosphere" (head Cheremnykh O.K). "Support for Research of Leading and Young Scientists";
- 2020.02 / 0292 "Methods and Models of in-Depth Training for Applied Tasks of Satellite Monitoring" (head Kussul N.M). "Support for Research of Leading and Young Scientists";
- 2020.01 / 0268 "Information Technology for Fire Hazard Assessment and Fire Monitoring in Natural Ecosystems Based on Satellite Data" (head Kussul N.M). "Science for Human Security and Society."