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European Projects

Simulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture and its Impact on the Environment in support of GEOGLAM (SIGMA)  

SIGMA presents a global partnership of expert institutes in agricultural monitoring, with a strong involvement in GEO and the Global Agricultural Geo-Monitoring (GEO-GLAM) initiative. SIGMA aims to develop innovative methods, based upon the integration of in-situ and earth observation data, to enable the prediction of the impact of crop production on ecosystems and natural resources. 

The proposed project will address methods to:  


1) enable sharing and integration of satellite and in situ observations according to GEOSS Data CORE principles;

2) assess the impact of cropland areas and crop land change on other ecosystems; 
3) understand and assess shifts in cultivation practises and cropping systems to evaluate impacts on biodiversity and the environment.

SIGMA implements activities in Europe, Russia, Ukraine, China, Vietnam, Africa, Argentina and Brazil and is financed through the EC’s Research Framework Program (FP7).

Purpose of the project is to develop innovative methods based on the integration satellite and in-situ data to predict the impact of crop production on ecosystems and natural resources.

Institute tasks of the project are:

1) to improve existing methods and techniques for crop mapping and agriculture land use monitoring methods using high-resolution remote sensing data; 

2) to estimate actual and potential crop yield using EO-based regression models for Ukraine;
3) annual crop types mapping using synergy of new optical and SAR data;

4) environmental impact analyses of land use and management changes at JECAM/Study sites;
5) mapping of land-use and change at the regional level.

The results in year 2014: the methodology for constructing retrospective land-cover maps for the territory of Ukraine on satellite data with a spatial resolution of 30m. Learning sample was creating for the territory of Ukraine based on photo-interpretation and ground-based research. Developed maps of land cover for 1990, 2000 and 2010s for the territory of Ukraine. Analyzed results of classification according to official statistics of Ukraine.

Potential customers: State Space Agency of Ukraine, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, GEO-GLAM, JECAM, direction «AG-07-03: Global Agricultural Monitoring», organizations of project SIGMA, European Commission.

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