According to the submitted application, corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine Oleg Cheremnykh leaves the post of deputy director of the Institute for Scientific Work from 01.01 2025. The Academic Council of the Institute at a meeting on December 24 expressed gratitude to Oleg Konstantinovich for the fruitful work done over the years. He will continue to work as head of the space plasma department. From 01.01.2025, Nikolai Salnikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, who served as head of the dynamic systems comtrol department, was appointed acting deputy director.
A new project of the Horizon-Europe program with the participation of the Institute's specialists: "Copernicus Applications for Next-Generation Forest Monitoring" FUTUREFOR (11.2024 - 04.2027)
The project aims to provide accurate and timely data on forests in Europe in accordance with the Regulation on the monitoring system of sustainable European forests, proposed in November 2023 by the European Commission. Project implementers will cooperate with Copernicus authorized organizations and national institutions to jointly assess the needs arising from the Regulation. The project will also contribute to the adoption of EU forest legislation in Ukraine. The FUTUREFOR project involves research and workflows to explore the possibilities and limitations of Copernicus-based datasets.
Space activity in Ukraine has been discussed at a meeting of Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development
Meeting of SRI Scientific Council
Preparation of a conceptual document on space activities of Ukraine
The initiative working group on the analysis of space activities, created by the decision of the Cosmos Association, the Space Research Council of the NAS of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Economic Development (coordinator O.P. Fedorov), prepared a draft of the Conceptual Foundations of State Policy in the Field of Space Activities of Ukraine. President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Academician A. Zagorodniy sent a draft of this document to Prime Minister of Ukraine D. Shmyhal, with a request to give instructions for the development of a set of priority measures for the restoration and development of space activities in Ukraine (the text is attached).
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