Theory of control of complex dynamic systems
Aircraft, spacecraft, launch vehicles, power plants of high power, industrial chemical complexes and petroleum industry - are complex dynamic systems that operate under uncertainty both about their parameters and external disturbances acting on system directly and on measurable devices as well. Control systems are part of the above complex systems which determine their suitability for solving technological problems, the quality of dynamical processes in the plants and given level of functioning. Recently, it became apparent that the hypothesis of stochastic nature of disturbances is not only possible and not always adequate to reality. |
In this regard, new scientific direction, directed to create new methods for solving problems of analysis and synthesis of control systems under unstochastic nature of uncertainty which is based on set-theoretic interpretation of uncertainty, are appeared and developed. Thus, unlike the probabilistic approach, about properties of uncertain variables there is assumption that its belong to bounded sets in particularly guaranteed intervals, as that is widely used in engineering. A priory set estimated may be elaborated using measured data of output coordinates. The works in this field were performed in the department Control of Dynamic Systems within topics and projects NASU, as well as in framework of Russian-Ukrainian project ISR NAS of Ukraine and NSA of Ukraine with the Institute of Control Russian Academy Science and Moscow State University. As far as application concerned it should be mentioned about spacecraft attitude estimation which were used in control system developed for spacecraft «EgyptSat-1" and manufactured by space industry of Ukraine for the Government of Egypt.