The State Space Agency of Ukraine, by the order of 15 January, 2021, the list of members of the SSA Scientific and Technical Council of Ukraine was approved. The Scientific and Technical Council was headed by Acting Chairman of the SSA of Ukraine Lev M.O., members of the Council are the First President of the NAS of Ukraine Gorbulin V.P, Director of GAO NAS of Ukraine Yatskiv Ya.S, Director of SRI of NASU and SSAU Fedorov O.P, Director of ITM NASU and SSAU Pilipenko O.P.
Архів подій
Establishing the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Approving the Concept of National Space Program of Ukraine for 2021-2025
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by an order of 13 January, 2021, the Concept of National Space Program of Ukraine for 2021-2025 was approved. (text of the Concept)
On the results of the implementation of the Research Program "Aerospace environmental observations in the interests of sustainable development and security as a national segment of the Horizon 2020 ERA-PLANET project"
During 2018-2020, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine performed the Research Program "Aerospace environmental observations in the interests of sustainable development and security as a national segment of the Horizon 2020 ERA-PLANET project" (program leader - Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine O. P. Fedorov). This international project provides the creation of a common European Research Earth observation area. One of the important results of the satellite monitoring data application is the development and implementation of joint with the world community methods for assessing indicators of Sustainable Development Goals. Currently, Ukrainian experts have developed, tested and presented the results of such an assessment for a number of indicators, and in the future, it is planned to continue joint work within the new international structure EuroGEOSS, in particular the E-SHAPE project.
The main results of the work, as well as plans for the future are presented in the analytical report "PROSPECTS OF USING SATELLITE INFORMATION FOR MONITORING THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE CONSTITUTIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (in Ukrainian).
Establishing of Working Group that will draft National Space Program of Ukraine for 2021-2025, and Strategy of Space Activity of Ukraine until 2030.
The Ministry of Strategic Industries, by an order of 30 October, established a working group to develop documents on space activities. The Working Group should draft the following documents: National Space Program of Ukraine for 2021-2025, and Strategy of Space Activity of Ukraine until 2030.
The Working Group is headed by the Deputy Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine Kovalenko T.V. Members of the Working Group are Kuznetsov E.I., Osadchy O.V., Mitrakhov M.O., Spirkin S.V., Fedorov O..P, Pilipenko O.V., Malysheva N.R., Yevlashina M.L. During the Working Group meetings the revised version of the draft Concept of the National Space Program of Ukraine for 2021-2025 was agreed, the basic principles of preparation of the Strategy of Space Activity of Ukraine until 2030 were discussed.
Результати конкурсу на заміщення посад
За рішенням конкурсної комісії Інституту космічних досліджень НАН України та ДКА України (Протокол від 27.10.2020р. №5) переможцями конкурсу на заміщення посади:
- старшого наукового співробітника за спеціальністю 113 – прикладна математика у відділі № 21 «Керування динамічними ситемами» визнано к.Ф.-м.н. Черемних С.О.,
- наукового співробітника за спеціальністю 113 – прикладна математика у відділі № 23 «Космічних інформаційних систем та технологій» визнано Яйлимову Г.О.,
- наукового співробітника за спеціальністю 113 – прикладна математика у відділі № 21 «Керування динамічними ситемами» визнано к.т.н. Максимюк Л.В.,
- наукового співробітника за спеціальністю 104 – фізика та астрономія у лабораторії № 28 «Системних досліджень ближнього космосу» визнано П'янкову О.В
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