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The Joint Meeting of the Space Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Scientific and Technical Council of SSAU, Scientific Council of the of the NAS Space Research Program was held

On December 5, 2017, the Joint Meeting of the Space Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Scientific and Technical Council of  SSAU, Scientific Council of the of the NAS Space Research Program was held.
The reports on the 20th anniversary of the space flight of .L Kadenyuk, scientific report. "Perspective project of the study of the Moon" BRAUDE-M " (Shkuratov Yu.G) were presented; The Council approved the report on the implementation of NASU Program of the space research in 2017 (Cheremnykh O.K). and. Priority directions of the NASU Program for Space Research for 2018-2022. Information on the programs of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in which space research is carried out, in particular on target program "Aerospace Observations of the Environment for Sustainable Development and security a national part of Horizon 2020 ERA-PLANET was presented ( Fedorov O)

Візит делегації Китайської народної республіки з Інституту технології БЛА

14 листопада до Інституту здійснила візит делегація Китайської народної республіки з Інституту технології безпілотних літальних апаратів (Інститут технології БЛА). Метою візиту є встановлення зв’язку між співробітниками відділу керування динамічними системами ІКД НАН України та ДКА України та Інститутом технології БЛА, вивчення методу вдосконалення системи управління рухом літальних апаратів, обмін досвідом з газодинаміки в галузі БЛА.

On the definition of medium-term priority areas of innovation activity at the sectoral level for the years 2017–2021

The Government detailed 8 medium-term priority directions of innovation activity of the national level for the years 2017–2021 on October 23, 2017. The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on October 18, 2017.
In particular, among directions:

  • development of new technologies for the high-tech development of the transport system, rocket and space industry, aircraft and ship construction, armament and military equipment;
  • development of modern information and communication technologies, robotics.

Medium-term priority directions of innovation activity of the national level for the years 2017–2021 were approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on December 28, 2016.

National Science Research Program of NAS of Ukraine "Aerospace Observations of the Environment for Sustainable Development and Security as the national segment of the Horizon 2020 ERA-PLANET project"

Director of the Space Research Institute of NAS of Ukraine and SSA of Ukraine, a correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Oleg Fedorov presented a report «On the National Science Research Program of NAS of Ukraine «Aerospace Observations of the Environment for Sustainable Development and Security as the national segment of the Horizon‑ 2020 ERA-PLANET project (ERA-PLANET / UA)» at the meeting of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine on October 25, 2017. As a result of the discussion of the report, the Presidium's resolution on the implementation of the Program for 2018-2020 was confirmed. Concept and the composition of the Scientific Council of Program was approved.


Meeting of Space Research Council of NAS of Ukraine

Meeting of Space Research Council of NAS of Ukraine on the priorities and preparation of the concept of the National Program for Space Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the years 2018-2022 was held on September 20, 2017. Also it was discussed the creation and operation of the Ukrainian Space Weather Center (joint center of National Center of Space Facilities Control and Test of SSAU and SRI NASU-SSAU). As a result of the meeting, it was decided to approve the draft Concept of the National Program for Space Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as the initiative on creation the Ukrainian Space Weather Center.

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